Let the stars sleep: the river will hold them.
Let the river sleep in the night’s arms.
But who will hold the night?
Me. I will. And nothing shall come to harm.

My life rises like blossoms in spring,
like new flowers stir upon the branch.
Death is merely a reflection of stars
in water like a running mirror:
it is not the stars themselves.

My life rises like stars at dusk
and wheels above my head.
And I will watch over the world tonight
and turn to face you, my love,
and turn my back on the mirror.

Turn my back on the mirror…
Turn my back on the mirror…

And I will watch over you tonight, my love,
and so turn to face my world,
and turn my back on the mirror…

Turn my back on the mirror…
Turn my back on the mirror…

Excerpt from For Pride in their Flight | Volume 15 of Dustless

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